We work hard to provide the best prep exam platform on the market. Our approach is simple… Study and Practice! We provide our members with the best study aids possible in our comprehensive study guides that present a condensed overview all all the major topics that you will need to know for your states licensing exam. We then provide an unlimited amount of online exams, which are formatted exactly like the licensing exams so that you can test your knowledge and identify your weak areas. Our content is written by licensed Real Estate brokers and education professionals who constantly work to keep our material up-to-date with the latest laws and regulations. Below is a list of the many amazing features which makes our program your top option for exam preparation.

Online Prep Exam Platform
- Take an UNLIMITED amount of practice exams with our online platform*
- Includes practice tests formatted for both Salesperson and Broker licensing exams
- Same format as state mandated exams
- Exams are generated from a databank of 1000's of possible test questions*
- 100% online... Take anytime from anywhere!

Professionally Written Study Guides*
- Written by real estate education professionals
- National and State specific study guides are both available to our premium members
- Dozens of pages consisting of up-to-date, need-to-know condensed information
- Categorized by section in conjunction with your states licensing exam
- Use in conjunction with your course material to review problem areas
- Download and print to study anytime from anywhere

Live help from "The Professor*"
- Our Professor has decades of experience as both a real estate broker and instructor
- Available over phone and email to answer questions about the subject matter
- Support is also available to assist with any technical issues you might have
- Easy to contact and quick to respond. We are here to insure your satisfaction!

Up-to-date Material and Cutting Edge Technology
- Our writers frequently take the exams to ensure the questions and study materials are up-to-date with today's state and national legislation
- We constantly perform maintenance on our platform to ensure it runs smoothly and stays on the cutting edge of today's technology

Exam Score Analysis with Explanations
- Each completed practice exam will display your auto-calculated results
- Your score will be broken down by category
- Each question will display the correct answer along with a detailed explanation
- Your results are a very useful tool to use for study and to identify weak areas

Career and Study Resources
- Study and Test taking strategy guide*
- Access to 1000's of Real Estate Terms & Definitions
- Guide to choosing a Broker*

Online Prep Exam Platform*
- We are so confident in our program that we provide a money back Guarantee!
- Guarantee applies to our Premium packages
- We are not satisfied unless YOU are satisfied