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Study and Test Taking Strategies

Study Strategies:

1.    Set-up a study schedule a least 3-4 weeks before the day of the test

2.    Find a quite place to study free from distractions.  This could means going outside of your home, such as a library or some other quite place

3.    Don’t study for more than a few hours and never continue to study once you are tired.  Better to stop and wait until you are fresh again.  If you are tired you will not comprehend the information and you are wasting  your time

4.    Study during the time of day that is best for.  The time that you are most relaxed, alert and free of stress

5.    Focus on your weakest areas first.  If math is your weakest area than start with math

6.    You might consider finding a study partner.  This may be another student, a friend, or your spouse.   One that can help keep you focused on the task at hand

Using the Study Guides:

1.    There are two study guides, State and National.  Start with whichever study guide you feel most conformable

2.    I would suggest that you try doing one page at a time.  Try this and see how it works for you.  Start with page one and try to comprehend everything on just that page.   If this requires reading and studying it several times, than just continue to do so until you feel like you really know the material.

3.    Move on to page two using this same approach as in step two.  Once you believe that you understand page two go back and review page one and two collectively.

4.    Then on to page three using the same approach as in step two.  Now review pages one, two and three collectively.  By this time page one should be thoroughly in your mind.

5.    After full comprehension of page four using the same approach in step two, go back and review the two pages prior.  Pages 2,3, and 4

6.    Continue with this pattern throughout the study guide.

7.    Now move on to the next study guide and use the same method as described here.

8.    As I stated earlier, if you find yourself getting tired, weary or having a hard time comprehending the information.  TAKE A BREAK.  You are wasting your time.  Normally most people can only study for about an hour or less before needing a break.

Taking the Practice Exam

1.     Some States have both a National and a State exam.  Others have just one all inclusive exam.

2.    All States have a time limit to complete the exam.  Because the exams are timed we have included a count-down clock integrated into our exams to help you with completing within the time frame allowed.

3.    Choose the exam that applies to you.  Salesperson or Broker, State or National or all inclusive depending on your State.

4.    Make sure that you have allotted enough time to finish the exam.   For your convince, we have installed a “pause”  button just in case you have an unforeseen interruption while taking your practice exam

5.    All exams must be completed within the time frame allowed.  If time was to “run out” and you have not completed all the questions, the remaining questions are counted as “wrong”

6.     Approach the exam as though it is the “real thing”.  Try and do your best at all times.

7.    Once you have completed the test, you will receive your exam score and will be told if you passed or failed.

8.    You also will be given a breakdown of how you did in each category

Reviewing the Exam

1.    Now that you can see your exam results just “scroll down” and see each question of the exam.  Your answer will be marked as either correct or wrong.

2.    Below the question it will state the correct answer along with your answer.  Below that is an explanation of why that was the correct answer.  This will help you understand and will help you continue to further your studies

3.    At this point, you may decide to return to the study guides and review again.  You may elect to try another exam.  Remember each exam is created from a “bank” of exam questions and each exam will be different.

4.    Continue to study and take exams until a time that you are constantly achieving a score of 85% or better.

5.    You are now ready to take your licensing exam


Taking your Licensing Exam(s)

1.    Many States offer exams in the morning, afternoon or evenings.  Pick a time that is good for you.  If you are NOT a morning person than do not choose a morning exam time.

2.    Before taking the exam(s) make sure and get a good night’s sleep.   Do not stay up late cramming for the exam.

3.    Eat a light meal before going.  Many exams require several hours to complete.

4.    Arrive ahead of schedule and give yourself time to “catch your breath” before starting.  And allow extra time for the unforeseen that might occur along the trip there

5.    If noise distracts you, take with you a set of ear plugs to the exam site

6.    Stay relaxed and don’t panic.  You know the information and have learned to complete the exam within the time frame allowed.

7.    Watch your time but do not get yourself upset if you are running be hide a little.  Just pick up the pace a little on each question and continue on.

Test Taking Hints:

1.    As you are taking the test and you come to questions that you don’t know or don’t understand, SKIP IT.  The nature of all exams is the same.  There may be a question later on that will “key” the answer to the previous question.  When you return to the question later it may now make more sense.

2.    If you come to a difficult question, do not spend too much time on the question.  More than likely this is one of the questions you are going to miss anyway.  Spending a lot of time on a question like this is just using up your valuable time.  Answer the question and move on.

3.     If you have math issues, SKIP all of the math questions until you have answered all of the terminology questions.  Then return to the math questions.  You’ll be able to see how much time you have remaining and will be able to pace yourself to complete the math.  This is a much better way to approach the math questions.  If you try and do the math questions as you go, you may find that you are spending too much time on them.  You will then start “hurrying” through your remaining questions and are much more likely to miss more of the terminology questions.
Note:  don’t forget to go back and answer all of the skipped questions

4.    DO NOT over think a question.  Sometimes thinking to hard or too long on a question will sometimes lead you to choose the wrong answer.  Take it for face value!

5.    If you see that you are ahead of schedule on your time… slow down

6.    There will be several questions that say “except” or “not” in the question.  The easiest way to answer this question is read ALL the answers.  Normally three of the four will group together in some way.   Choose the answer that IS NOT in the group.  Many times people get confused with these types of questions.

7.    If you go back to review your questions… DO NOT change an answer unless you are 100% sure you have answered it wrong.  I have seen students change the right answer to a wrong one many times.  Stay with your first answer

8.    READ THE QUESTION.  More mistakes are made because the exam takers do not take the time to fully read the question.  Read it more than once if need be.  Make sure you understand the question before moving on to the answers.

9.     READ ALL OF THE ANSWERS.  Do not select an answer until you have read ALL of the answers.   You are required to pick the best answer.  Sometimes one of the first answers appears to be correct but another is better.  If you don’t read all of the answers you may choose the wrong one.


Need to guess?? Here are some tips

No matter how well prepared for an exam there will always be those few questions that you just don’t know.  Of course remember we are guessing here.  Here are some guessing techniques:

a.    Your choices are, three long answers and one short answer….choose the short one
b.    Your choices are, three short answers and one long answer….choose the long one
c.    All the answers about the same length choose “C or D” or “3 or 4” which ever the case may be.  (Test makers have the last two as the right answer more often than the first two)
d.    Do not choose an answer that has “always’ or “never” as part of the answer.  Very few things in life are always or never.  Other similar words might be; likely, may, can, will often, sometimes, often, almost, mostly, usually, generally, rarely, exactly or sometimes
e.    “None of the above” is rarely correct
f.    “All of the above” is correct quite often
g.    Just because an answer is “factually true” does not mean it is the correct answer for that question
h.    Never choose an answer with a word you have never heard before.  More than likely you have not heard it for a good reason.  It has nothing to do with the subject matter
Of course always guess.  Never leave a question unanswered.  You have a 25% chance of being correct.  If you do not answer the question that percentage drops to 0%.  Not answered…it is wrong!